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Reel in the big fish with one of our handpicked fishing reels. Shop by brand or reel type.

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Bobby Garland Mayfly (50 pk) NEW!

New for 2022!


A small appetizer for hungry crappie and other panfish, the Bobby Garland Mayfly mimics a small insect that is irresistible to smaller predatory fish. Molded with a realistic body shape, small wings, and side legs, the Bobby Garland Mayfly glides through the water and produces micro vibrations that is deadly when the fish are finicky and pressured by other anglers. It also features natural oil scent that draws fish in from a great distance and makes them hold on much longer once they bite. Perfect for most small jigheads, float rigs, and even drop shots, the Bobby Garland Mayfly is a must-have for anglers that are looking to put some slabs in the livewell.

11 Colors Available

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