Inshore/ Nearshore: Perry’s Bait and Tackle (843-651-2895) in Murrell’s Inlet reports that weather has continued to limit fishing activity, but that looks to be changing this week. The biggest change in the past week has been that bigger weakfish have been caught out at the 3-Mile Reef, mostly on jigs or mullet/ menhaden strip baits. There is a 12-inch minimum and anglers can only keep one weakfish. Bull red drum and freshwater catfish continue to be caught off the “broken bridge” in Georgetown, and in the creeks slot-sized redfish continue to be caught. The best fishing for redfish is either side of daytime low tides when the water heats up and triggers them to eat, and they will take any live bait (mud minnows, shrimp, fiddler crabs, etc.).
In the surf whiting, dogfish and bluefish making their annual spring migration northward are being caught. Mullet are not around yet so they must be eating glass minnows. Everyone is waiting for flounder to start showing up at the jetties and seawalls – note that the Grand Strand Saltwater Anglers Flounder Tournament will be held on April 25 this year.
Besides weakfish Perry’s reports that nearshore at the Pawley’s Island Reef black drum, sheepshead, and black sea bass are being caught.
Offshore: No new reports from Georgetown Landing Marina (843-546-1776).