November 19
Inshore surface water temperatures around Edisto Island are down to the mid to upper 60s. The North Edisto is clear while the South Edisto is a bit browner because of the rain – but still not bad. Bait is finally leaving the creeks.
It’s that time of year when each drop in the water temperature reminds inshore species that they need to feed up because soon there will be an absence of forage, and as a result Captain Ron Davis, Jr. (843-513-0143) reports that the trout bite is getting very good. On calmer days when clarity is higher fish can be caught on DOA shrimp fished under a popping cork around main river white shell banks, current breaks and creek mouths. Higher stages of the tide on either the rise or the fall are better.
There are also good numbers of trout getting in the creeks, and Ron advises that the best pattern is to head to the very backs and then fish your way out with a ¼ ounce grub. You can also get away with a heavier lure up to a ½ ounce if you use Ron’s new bait, the ZMan Chatterbait WillowVibe which allows for better depth control and a slower a retrieve.
The action for redfish has improved on the flats around oyster shells near points, although the best action is still at mid-tide moving in either direction. The best bait is scented plastics fished on flutter hooks.
In the creeks the best fishing is found for two hours either side of low tide around downed trees, docks, and rocks in deep bends and holes. Mud minnows and mullet are the best bait.

Right now is the peak time for sheepshead fishing and the bite continues to be excellent. The best action can be found at low tide around structure with 6-8 feet of water. Even though there are still some picker fish around fiddler crabs, oysters and clams will all work equally well.
Black drum are mixed in with the reds in the creeks and with live or cut shrimp you can catch both species. However, the best place to catch black drum as well as a mixed bag of redfish, trout and flounder is to head up the beach to Townsend Inlet, Frampton Inlet or Jeremy Inlet and fish at the ocean mouths in the surf. There are also some hit-or-miss flounder in the creeks. As they are starting to leave fishing close to the ocean is the best bet.
The whiting fishing remains very good in the surf on pieces of shrimp, but to catch the best fish you need to target the inlets, sand bars, and areas with some sort of current break. Since water temperatures have dropped slowly it is still a peak time.
This is also the time of year when the water temperatures allows bull red drum to be found running the beaches out to 20-40 feet of water wherever there is bait. The bite has been decent this year on the Edisto Rocks, you could catch one in the surf, but they are thick in the inlets. Cut or live mullet is the best bait.
While the Spanish mackerel are gone the nearshore reefs are on fire for summer trout, black drum, sheepshead and bluefish. However, conditions are so windy you can only get out once or twice each week.
When you can get offshore the black sea bass and other bottom fish have moved shallower into 60-80 feet of water. The king mackerel are also as thick as they will be in 70-80 feet of water anywhere there is bait. Early you can pull plugs and spoons and after that big menhaden offer the best action.
While a few wahoo have been caught, the blackfin tuna bite has been very good. Because the fish are boat-shy pulling small lures way back is the best pattern.
October 21
Inshore surface water temperatures around Edisto Island are about 75 degrees in the ocean, but the creeks have gotten as warm as 78-79 degrees. The South Edisto is highly tannic while the North is getting very clear. The creeks are totally full of shrimp and finger mullet and the mullet run continues off the beaches.
Each time the temperatures drop during the fall the fish feed a little bit more aggressively, as if cooling reminds them that the bait will be disappearing soon, but Captain Ron Davis, Jr. (843-513-0143) reports that when you get a warming trend in the fall it has the opposite effect. While it’s certainly still fall and so fish are biting, the bite will get better when temperatures start moving the opposite direction.
As temperatures have warmed up over the last 10 days the redfish have gotten a little more skittish on the flats, and at dead low they have been downright spooky. The best time to catch them is at mid-tides in either direction fishing over the oyster shells around points. The best bait is live shrimp 18 inches under a cork.
In the creeks they will eat about anything, but there are so many picker fish around that mud minnows or cut mullet are a better bet than shrimp. The best fishing is found for two hours either side of low tide around downed trees, docks, and rocks in deep bends and holes.

The trout bite has slowed a little, but early and late there has been a good topwater bite. On cloudy days it can last for the first three hours, while on sunny days you are doing well to get an hour and a half.
During the day live shrimp under a cork are working the best around main river white shell points on the high outgoing tide.
This continues to be the peak time for sheepshead fishing, and there have been some really good fish this year. The best action can be found at low tide around structure with 4-8 feet of water. Fiddler crabs are the best bait.
Black drum are mixed in with the sheepshead, but they can also be caught on the flats and the creeks in the same areas as the reds.
The flounder are still around with the warm conditions, and the best action is found in sandy creek mouths close to the ocean. Finger mullet on a Carolina rig are working well.
The whiting fishing remains really good in the surf on pieces of shrimp, but to catch the best fish you need to target the inlets, sand bars, and areas with some sort of current break. This is the peak time.
While 90% of the tarpon are gone, since water temperatures are still above 75 degrees there are still a few around. Those fish are generally in the ocean waiting for the big migratory mullet that head down the beaches, and they can be caught in 5-15 feet of water around current rips, sand bars, and points.
At the nearshore reefs the Spanish mackerel fishing is still wide open, and there are tons of bull reds everywhere. They can also be found at the nearshore reefs, rocks, in the inlets, around current breaks, and in the surf as shallow as 3 feet or less.
With the mullet run in full swing king mackerel can still be found from the beach to the ledge. You just have to look for bait.
The cobia are still holding pretty deep in 90-100 feet of water and they can be caught jigging on the bottom.
For reasons that are unclear the bottom fishing has been slow in 80-100 feet of water, and if you want to catch triggerfish, vermillion snapper, red porgies, black sea bass and more the best action has been deep on the ledge in 150-180 feet.
There have been good numbers of blackfin tuna caught recently, and the wahoo never really leave. A few sailfish are also being picked up and 1-2 straggler dolphin are caught most trips, even as most of the fish are further along in their clockwise migration around the Atlantic Ocean.
September 24
Inshore surface water temperatures around Edisto Island are about 77 or 78 degrees in the main rivers, while a couple of miles out temperatures are still over 80. The South Edisto is very dark with recent rain events. High winds and tides have also generally dirtied the water. Bait is at its peak for the year with the mullet run in full swing and big shrimp coming out of the creeks.
With so much bait around the fish have gotten into the period where they are putting on the weight that will get them through the winter, and Captain Ron Davis, Jr. (843-513-0143) reports that this is translating into a really good bite for species like redfish. With the very high September tides there have been lots of big fish in the grass, but if you don’t want to target tailing reds the best time to fish with the big September/ October new and full moon tides is the quarter moon phases.
On the flats the redfish action is pretty good around oyster shells, and right now the reds are bigger than typical and there seem to be less small ones than some years. The cold snap is already improving the bite in the creeks, and the best action remains around downed trees, docks, and rocks in deep bends and holes.
Low tide is the best time to target the reds in both areas and finger mullet on a Carolina rig remain the best bait.
As is typical when the spawning activity stops in early September, the trout bite is going through a temporary lull although the fishing is still good. At the same time more big migratory fish are starting to run the coastline and arrive.
Early in the morning in areas with relatively clear water there is still good topwater action around shell banks and main river points, particularly when there is a flood tide at dawn.
During the day live shrimp under a cork are working very well, and DOA shrimp or finger mullet will also catch fish around the same main river white shell points. The high outgoing tide is best.
This is the peak time for sheepshead fishing, and for the next four to six weeks the fish will be bigger than typical at this time of year. The best fishing can be found at low tide around structure with 4-8 feet of water. Fiddler crabs are the best bait.
Black drum can be caught on shrimp around any type of structure.
The flounder bite is better than normal for this time of year, and it should stay strong though October. While many of them are undersized the numbers are above average. Finger mullet on a Carolina rig are hard to beat around structure or areas with current. The biggest fish are in sandier creek mouths closer to the ocean.

The whiting fishing is really good in the surf on pieces of shrimp, but to catch the best fish you need to target the inlets, sand bars, and areas with some sort of current break.
As water temperatures stabilize and hold around 80 degrees the tarpon fishing should be the best of the entire year, particularly with the mullet run in full swing. The fish feed best when temperatures are between 75 and 80, and it won’t be until temperatures drop to 75 and below that they leave. Right now fish that are heading south are also getting to Edisto.
The tarpon are generally in the ocean waiting for the big migratory mullet that head down the beaches, and they can be caught in 5-15 feet of water around current rips, sand bars, and points close to the ocean.
The Spanish mackerel fishing is wide open at the nearshore reefs, but in 30-40 feet of water they are often holding about 20 feet down. If you troll a #1 planer with 20 feet of leader and a small Clarks spoon you are guaranteed to catch them, but there are also times when they come up and you can just cast at them. Look for the birds.
King mackerel are following the big mullet and menhaden and so they can be found from the beach to the ledge. You just have to look for bait.
Bull red drum are also starting to group up for the spawn at nearshore structure.
While the cobia fishing is better than in July and August, they are generally holding pretty deep in 80-100 feet of water. They can be caught jigging on the bottom.
The bottom fishing will only get better for the next couple of months, and 80-100 feet of water is the best place to look for limits of triggerfish, vermillion snapper, red porgies, black sea bass and more.
While the dolphin are basically absent in the fall because of their clockwise migration around the Atlantic Ocean, the wahoo and tuna fishing should pick up as things cool off.
August 27
Inshore surface water temperatures in the morning around Edisto Island are about 84-85 degrees on the main rivers, while in the creeks water temperature can hit 90 or 91. Visibility in the North Edisto is pretty good, while in the South Edisto it is lower – especially when the tides are moving. There are tons of shrimp and finger mullet in the creeks, and mullet and menhaden are thick off the beaches.
Seasonal cooling has already improved the fishing around Edisto Island, and Captain Ron Davis, Jr. (843-513-0143) points out that it will only get better for the rest of the year. It will also only get more pleasant with humidity now extremely high even at dawn.
The trout bite in the creeks continues to be very strong, and early in the morning in areas with relatively clear water there is still excellent topwater action around shell banks and main river points. After about 8:00 the bite is usually done. The best topwater bite for trout comes when there is a flood tide at dawn.
During the day live shrimp under a cork are working very well, and DOA shrimp or finger mullet are also working well around the same main river white shell points. The high outgoing tide has been best when it corresponds to cooler periods.

From dawn to 8:00 a.m. there is also a good topwater bite for redfish when this window corresponds to lower tides – the opposite of the trout. Overall the worst topwater bite is on days when mid-tide is first thing.
On the flats the redfish action is pretty good around oyster shells, but for some reason they are not catching a lot of 11-13 inch fish on the main river. At the same time rat redfish are thick in the creeks. The best action is around downed trees, docks, and rocks in deep bends and holes as the water has gotten very hot.
Low tide is the best time to target the reds in both areas and finger mullet on a Carolina rig are the best bait.
Black drum can be found in the same areas as the redfish but they will eat shrimp.
Sheepshead continue to bite very well in the creeks, and the keeper ratio has improved to about 50%. Fish can be caught on fiddler crabs around docks with 6-8 feet of water at low tide and this bite will only improve.
The flounder fishing continues to be strong, and even though Ron is not targeting them he is catching 1 or 2 keepers each trip with finger mullet on the bottom. The biggest fish are in sandier creek mouths closer to the ocean. Dragging and casting a mud minnow or finger mullet on a light 1/8 ounce to ¼ ounce Carolina rig is the best bet to target them.
Whiting are still off the beaches, and while the best fish can still be caught in the inlets around sandbars there are plenty of eating-sized whiting in the surf which can be caught on pieces of shrimp. There are also a lot of big ones around.
For the next 3-4 week the tarpon fishing will be at its peak. They have gotten thick at the mouths of major creeks near the ocean or sandbars that line the river mouths. Live menhaden and mullet fished on the bottom are the best baits. At the mouths of creeks they could be in 30-40 feet of water, while off sandbars they are more typically in 8-15 feet. The deeper the water usually the more important it is to have baits on the bottom.
At the nearshore reefs Spanish mackerel fishing is very good, while the kings are generally pretty deep in 90-120 feet of water. As the mullet get larger they will come closer to shore, and at times they will also feed on Spanish mackerel when those schools are really big.
In 60-90 feet there are lots of spadefish, but with surface water very warm they are staying 20-40 feet down. Because of the absence of jelly balls right now they are hard to lure to surface.
Cobia are very deep from about 90 to the ledge.
The best bottom fishing is in 80-120 feet of water for limits of triggerfish, vermillion snapper, red porgies, black sea bass and more, while grouper are more likely in 155-200 feet.
In the blue water the wahoo fishing is picking up while dolphin are pretty much gone. There have not been any tuna or billfish reports even though sailfish should be around.
July 29
Inshore surface water temperatures in the morning around Edisto Island are about 87.5 degrees on the main rivers, while in the creeks water temperatures are about 90-92 degrees. The clarity is decent everywhere and it is only cloudy because of plankton – not mud. There are tons of shrimp and finger mullet in the creeks, and mullet and menhaden are thick off the beaches.
Despite the hottest water of the year, Captain Ron Davis, Jr. (843-513-0143) reports that fishing has been very good. However, it is important to note that the best bite for everything is from daylight to 11, and after that fishing gets tough for pretty much everything.
The trout bite in the creeks continues to be excellent. The keeper ratio is now about 1 in 4 or 5 but they are also catching several big 17-20 inch fish each trip.
Early in the morning in areas with relatively clear water there has been excellent topwater action around shell banks and main river points. After about 8:30 the bite is usually done. The best topwater bite for trout comes when there is a flood tide at dawn.
During the day live shrimp under a cork are excellent, and DOA shrimp or finger mullet are also working well around the same main river white shell points. The high outgoing tide has been best when it corresponds to cooler periods.
Between 5:45 and 8:00 a.m. there is also a good topwater bite for redfish when this window corresponds to lower tides – the opposite of the trout. Overall the worst topwater bite is on days when mid-tide is first thing. The topwater bite can also be good for the last two hours of the day on the very rare days when there is no evening wind.
On the flats the redfish action has picked up around oyster shells, and some days you will get into slot-sized fish while some days they will all be over the slot. Most days there are plenty of young-of-the-year sub-13-inch fish around. In the creeks fishing has gotten spotty around downed trees, docks, and rocks in deep bends and holes as the water has gotten very hot.
Low tide is the best time to target the reds in both areas and finger mullet on a Carolina rig are the best bait.

Sheepshead continue to bite very well in the creeks, but only about 1 of 5 are keepers. It’s unclear where the bigger fish go, and even when you see them they may not bite. Still, plenty of medium and smaller fish can be caught on fiddler crabs around docks with 6-8 feet of water at low tide.
The flounder fishing continues to be strong, and there are lots of small fish all over the place. However, the biggest fish are in sandier creek mouths closer to the ocean. Dragging and casting a mud minnow or finger mullet on a light 1/8 ounce to ¼ ounce Carolina rig is the best bet, with bluefish that cut your bait in half the main nuisance. Trout and redfish will also be picked up.
Whiting are still off the beaches, and while the best fish can still be caught in the inlets around sandbars there are plenty of eating-sized whiting in the surf which can be caught on pieces of shrimp.
The tarpon have gotten thick at the mouths of major creeks near the ocean or sandbars that line the river mouths. Live menhaden and mullet fished on the bottom are the best baits. At the mouths of creeks they could be in 30-40 feet of water, while off sandbars they are more typically in 8-15 feet. The deeper the water usually the more important it is to have baits on the bottom.
At the nearshore reefs Spanish mackerel fishing is very good, and the king mackerel have also moved in closer with all the bait running the beaches. For Spanish the key is to watch for the fish and then cast and wind as fast as you can, while for kings trolling 6-10 inch mullet or menhaden on king mackerel rigs is the best pattern. Another good tactic out at the reefs is to fish a bucktail tipped with a piece of cut or live finger mullet, as this is a good way to pick up a big flounder or a bull red drum. However, most of the bull drum have moved deeper into 60 feet because of the heat. In 60-90 feet there are lots of spadefish as well as small jellyballs that you can use for bait. Both inshore and offshore black drum have gotten scarce.
Cobia are still in about 90 feet where they can be caught jigging bucktails.
The best bottom fishing is still in 80-100 feet of water for limits of triggerfish, vermillion snapper, red porgies, black sea bass and more, while grouper are more likely in 155-200 feet.
In the blue water dolphin have slowed way down, but there is some good wahoo fishing in 150-200 feet. It should get even better around the upcoming August 2 full moon. Occasional tuna are being picked up, and in 300 feet and deeper there are occasional sailfish and blue marlin.
July 2
Inshore surface water temperatures in the morning around Edisto Island are about 82 degrees and there is fair water clarity. Finger mullet have just reached the perfect size for bait.
Even though it’s July, Captain Ron Davis, Jr. (843-513-0143) reports that with water temperatures fairly stable the fishing has not really slowed down.
The trout bite in the creeks continues to be good, although sizes have dropped a little as some of the better migratory fish spawn earlier in the season. The keeper ratio is now about 1 in 4.
Early in the morning in areas with relatively clear water there has been excellent topwater action around shell banks and main river points. After about 8:30 the bite is usually done. The best topwater bite for trout comes when there is a flood tide at dawn.
During the day live shrimp under a cork are excellent, and DOA shrimp are also working well around the same main river white shell points. Hard plastic jerkbaits and suspending jerkbaits are also catching fish, and tiny menhaden and small finger mullet can also produce.
Between 5:45 and 8:00 a.m. there is also a good topwater bite for redfish when this window corresponds to lower tides – the opposite of the trout. Overall the worst topwater bite is on days when mid-tide is first thing. This bite can also be good for the last two hours of the day on the very rare days when there is no evening wind.
On the flats fishing has slowed around oyster shells, although there are plenty of 10-12 inch young-of-the-year redfish around. Slot-sized fish are harder to come by.
In the creeks fishing is fair around structure such as downed trees, docks, and rocks in deep bends and holes. Low tide is the best time to target them in both areas and finger mullet on a Carolina rig are the best bait.
Sheepshead continue to bite very well in the creeks, but the fish are definitely getting smaller. It’s unclear where the bigger fish go, and even when you see them they may not bite. Still, plenty of medium and smaller fish can be caught on fiddler crabs around docks with 6-8 feet of water at low tide.
The flounder fishing continues to be strong, and in sandier creek mouths closer to the ocean the best action is found. Dragging and casting a mud minnow or finger mullet on a light 1/8 ounce to ¼ ounce Carolina rig is the best bet, with bluefish that cut your bait in half the main nuisance. Trout and redfish will also be picked up.

Whiting are off the beaches, and while the best fish can still be caught in the inlets around sandbars there are plenty of eating-sized whiting in the surf which can be caught on pieces of shrimp.
The tarpon are just starting to show up at the mouths of major creeks near the ocean or sandbars that line the river mouths. Live menhaden and mullet fished on the bottom are the best baits. At the mouths of creeks they could be in 30-40 feet of water, while off sandbars they are more typically in 8-15 feet. The deeper the water usually the more important it is to have baits on the bottom.
The action at the nearshore reefs like the Edisto Nearshore, Edisto 40, Edisto 60 and Edisto 90 is still very good, with Spanish mackerel prolific although they move around a lot. Spadefish are still good although they have gone a little deeper 20-30 feet down over 40-60 feet of water. Jelly balls have gotten more scarce. While black drum have gotten less common bull reds are still around.
The best way to approach the fishing is to anchor and then put out live menhaden on the bottom on a Carolina rig for bull drum. Then you can cast 1-3 ounce bucktails or jigging spoons. If you see schools of Spanish mackerel you can chase them and cast small spoons. If you want to target black drum shrimp are the key, while spadefish want jelly balls.
Cobia have moved out deeper to about 90 feet where they can be caught jigging bucktails, while king mackerel are prolific from 30-120+ feet of water. Still, 70-100 feet is usually best. Early in the morning spoons and diving plugs will catch fish, while after the sun gets up slow trolling with live menhaden, mullet or cigar minnows less than 2 miles per hour is ideal.
The best bottom fishing is in 80-100 feet of water for limits of triggerfish, vermillion snapper, red porgies, black sea bass and more, while grouper are more like in 155-200 feet. There is a red snapper window coming up after July 4th weekend.
The dolphin have slowed way down while a few wahoo, tuna and sailfishare being caught at the ledge in decent numbers.
June 17
Inshore surface water temperatures in the morning around Edisto Island are about 82 degrees and there is decent water clarity. The water is browner in the South Edisto because of all the rainfall coming down the river, while the North Edisto, a closed tidal system, is clearer.
The fish are in a reliable summer pattern around Edisto Island, and Captain Ron Davis, Jr. (843-513-0143) reports that the overall bite is strong in the area. Brown shrimp are in the creeks and finger mullet are about 2 inches long.
The trout bite in the creeks continues to be very good. Early in the morning in areas with relatively clear water there has been excellent topwater action around shell banks and main river points. After about 8:30 the bite is usually done. The best topwater bite for trout comes when there is a flood tide at dawn.
During the day live shrimp under a cork are excellent, and DOA shrimp are also working well around the same main river white shell points. Hard plastic jerkbaits and suspending jerkbaits are also catching fish, and tiny menhaden and small finger mullet can also produce.

Between 5:45 and 8:00 a.m. there is also a good topwater bite for redfish when this window corresponds to lower tides – the opposite of the trout. Overall the worst topwater bite is on days when mid-tide is first thing. This bite can also be good for the last two hours of the day on the very rare days when there is no evening wind.
On the flats fishing is good around oyster shells, and in the creeks fish are around structure such as downed trees, docks, and rocks in deep bends and holes. Low tide is the best time to target them in both areas.
Sheepshead continue to bite very well in the creeks, but sizes have dropped off. It’s unclear where the bigger fish go, and even when you see them they may not bite. Still, plenty of medium and smaller fish can be caught on fiddler crabs around docks with 6-8 feet of water at low tide.
Closer to the ocean around sand or shell bottoms flounder fishing remains good. The fish avoid mud.
Whiting are off the beaches, and while the best fish can still be caught in the inlets around sandbars there are plenty of eating-sized whiting in the surf which can be caught on pieces of shrimp.
The action at the nearshore reefs like the Edisto Nearshore, Edisto 40, Edisto 60 and Edisto 90 continues to be outstanding when you can get out there. The reefs are covered up in spadefish right now, and there are also tons of Spanish mackerel, black drum and bull red drum around. Cobia can also be found close in out to 90 feet of water, and king mackerel are in 40-90 feet.
The best way to approach the fishing is to anchor and then put out live menhaden on the bottom on a Carolina rig for bull drum or cobia. Then you can cast 1-3 ounce bucktails or jigging spoons. If you see schools of Spanish mackerel you can chase them and cast small spoons. If you want to target black drum shrimp are the key, while spadefish want jelly balls.
King mackerel can be caught slow trolling live menhaden on king mackerel rigs once the sun gets up, while for the first couple of hours they will eat anything trolled out in 90-100 feet.
In 70-120 feet of water bottom fishing is very strong for red snapper (which must be released), triggerfish, vermillion snapper, red porgies, black sea bass and more.
The dolphin have slowed way down while wahoo and tuna are still being caught at the ledge in decent numbers.