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AHQ INSIDER Beaufort (SC) 2025 Week 11 Fishing Report – Updated March 12

  • by Jay

March 12

Morning surface water temperatures are around 57 at the mouth of Fripp Inlet and the water is very clear inshore. 

The inshore bite for redfish hasn’t changed much for Captain Patrick Kelly with Boogieman Fishing Charters (843-962-3503) despite the warmer temperatures, who reports that they are still finding lots of fish in their winter groups around shallow docks. About the only change is that fish are feeding better than a few weeks ago.

The trout bite has come on, however, and even though Captain Pat’s boat isn’t catching giant trout he reports that they are getting decent numbers on mud minnows fished on the bottom in deeper holes. About 10-12 feet of water has been the magic depth, and lower tides moving in both directions have been fishing the best. 

Caught yesterday with Captain Patrick Kelly

But the most exciting bite has been with sheepshead and black drum, and they are catching them around any sort of hard, rocky structure in 7-8 feet of water.  As spawning fish return inshore they are bigger than the fish that wintered inshore – and very hungry. Fishing live shrimp or fiddler crabs on a small 1/0 hook with a split shot has been the key, and the best bite has come when there is gentle current moving.  

Even with the warmer temperatures the last couple of days fishing activity has been light to non-existent on the Hunting Island State Park Fishing Pier (843-838-7437), but after this weekend they hope to have some good news to report. 

February 27

Morning surface water temperatures are around 54 at the mouth of Fripp Inlet and the water is very clear inshore. 

We wish we had better news to report with inshore fishing in Beaufort, but the consensus is that at least the redfish are difficult to catch right now. Captain Tuck Scott with Building Anglers (843-271-5406) reports that the fish are simultaneously spooky and disinterested in food, and he speculates it may have something to do with the utter lack of mullet around and the very large population of bottlenose dolphins searching for a meal – and therefore looking to reds! That temperatures are warming and they have more energy can also make them more evasive. Captain Tuck is still mainly fishing on low tide but finding schools of fish has gotten much harder. 

This week with Captain Tuck Scott

Tuck does note that they have picked up a few small trout incidentally while fishing for redfish. 

It’s a similar story for Captain Patrick Kelly with Boogieman Fishing Charters (843-962-3503), who reports that besides a few random catches the redfish have gotten really hard to locate in all his usual places. In fact, they are now catching about as many trout as reds.

As Tuck has noted in talking to DNR creel surveyors, it’s been the sheepshead that have kept things interesting on Captain Pat’s boat. They are biting small live shrimp and fiddler crabs, and while the giants aren’t typically around right now about half are keepers. They are on rock structure, and there are also some black drum mixed in. While the sheepshead are on the deeper inshore structure black drum can also be caught on some of the shallower trees that everything will be around in warmer months. 

Overall, look for redfish to get more reliable as they adjust to warming temperatures. Even though the ocean and major rivers may only be in the mid-50s, in the creeks it’s not uncommon to see temperatures as high as the mid-60s on warm afternoons. 

Finally, even as fishing conditions improve the Hunting Island State Park Fishing Pier (843-838-7437) reports the catch is basically limited to stingrays. 

Note that Captain Tuck will be in Columbia on March 11 speaking to the Saluda River Trout Unlimited chapter. For more information check their website. 

February 12

Morning surface water temperatures are around 54 off the sea islands around Beaufort and the water is very clear inshore.   

The inshore fish have gotten a little more active in the past two weeks, and Captain Patrick Kelly with Boogieman Fishing Charters (843-962-3503) reports that redfish can still be caught on both the flats and in the creeks. In the clear conditions you can spot them on the mud flats at low tide, and in the creeks they are in deep holes and around structure like oyster beds, docks, downed trees, and more. They will take a variety of natural baits including mud minnows, live and cut shrimp, and cut bait including frozen mullet, and on the artificial side scented soft plastics are better for slow-moving fish. 

The sheepshead fishing has also improved, and while a lot of the bigger fish are still offshore there are plenty of good ones around structure that has some depth to it. Fiddler crabs are hard to beat but oyster, clams and shrimp will also work. 

Fresh report to follow from Captain Tuck Scott with Building Anglers (843-271-5406) upon his return from guiding in the Caribbean. We aren’t jealous at all.

January 29

Morning surface water temperatures are in the low to mid-40s in the rivers around Beaufort and the water is very clear.   

If you are a sight-fisherman it’s a great time to look at inshore redfish on the flats, and Captain Tuck Scott (843-271-5406) reports that in the trips he has had since the snow the fish are even more schooled up than before. However, in the cold conditions they are in such tight schools that they seem to almost make each other more nervous, and combined with their metabolism being slowed they are both finicky and not particularly inclined to eat. Still, they are catching some fish on very light-colored and solid white flies and lures. Captain Tuck notes that he is only fishing at low tide sight-casting currently, and for what he likes to do it’s really the only way to fish right now. 

Tuck notes that he has seen some trout sunning on the flats that clearly made it through the extreme cold last week. 

Captain Patrick Kelly with Boogieman Fishing Charters (843-962-3503) has also run several trips with snow on the ground, and for inshore redfish in the creeks he reports that there are still fish on docks but they are pretty lethargic. They will eat but it’s slow. 

He also fished a local sheepshead tournament last weekend, and while one boat did manage to catch five 14-16 inch fish for most everyone it was pretty slow. It didn’t help that getting live fiddler crabs was impossible, but fishing with dead fiddlers Captain Pat’s boat did manage some small sheepshead, a nice black drum, and a good redfish running between inshore structure and nearshore reefs. He thinks there are plenty of fish around but they just aren’t feeding well. 

Captain Patrick Kelly with a good one caught over the weekend

January 16

Morning surface water temperatures are in the upper 40s in the rivers around Beaufort and the water is generally very clear.   

For anglers willing to brave the brisk temperatures the inshore fishing in the Beaufort area is about as picturesque as it gets all year in the clear conditions, but unsurprisingly Captain Tuck Scott (843-271-5406) reports that for the last few days the fish have been a little selective. The fish he is targeting are in big schools on the low tide flats, and while they can feed around the tide cycle since they are staying in such large schools on higher water they are much harder to locate.  In the clear conditions where they can see so well it can be hard to successfully present a bait to them, but natural colors or bright colors (instead of dark colors) are the best choices. Make long casts to the edges of the schools and limit noise. 

Besides the beauty of your surroundings, the other bright spot is that fish are staying on the same structure at the same stage of the tide for days if not weeks right now. So even if it’s tricky to get them to bite, once you find them you know where they will be!

Similarly, the inshore fishing around structure remains slower than in December or last time at this year, likely because of the cold, but Captain Patrick Kelly with Boogieman Fishing Charters (843-962-3503) reports they are still able to pick up redfish around structure including docks, trees and rock on the low to rising tide. Mud minnows and live shrimp, available from deep hole shrimpers in most area bait stores, are both working. 

Both captains are optimistic conditions won’t get too much cooler for the health of the trout population, which is already seeking shelter in deep holes. 

But the most exciting bite this week for Captain Pat was with sheepshead and black drum, and in just 6-8 feet of water around bridges, trees and rock close to the ocean he found great action on fiddler crabs and even cut shrimp for both species! While there are plenty of both on the nearshore reefs, he was excited to find big keepers of both species in shallow water (near deeper water). 

This week with Captain Patrick Kelly

January 8

Morning surface water temperatures are around 51 degrees in the rivers around Beaufort. Visibility is high. 

After a gangbusters fall the inshore fishing has finally slowed down around Beaufort, and Captain Patrick Kelly with Boogieman Fishing Charters (843-962-3503) reports that the fish are less active than just a week or two ago. Nonetheless, he is still picking up trout and redfish around structure including docks, trees and rock on the low to rising tide. Mud minnows and live shrimp, available from deep hole shrimpers in most area bait stores, are both working and right now both species are in similar places. 

A big creek red caught this week with Boogieman Fishing Charters

There are undoubtedly also schools of redfish on the flats, but Captain Patrick has been doing well enough in the creeks not to go hunting. 

His boat has been to the nearshore reefs, however, and they have found a pretty fantastic bite for sheepshead and black drum around structure in 20 feet of water. Almost all of the fish are keeper-sized and they have caught everything on fiddler crabs and small live shrimp. 

December 19

Surface water temperatures are around 55 degrees off the area beaches, while inshore temperatures this morning were 62. Water clarity varies because of recent very high tides but generally the water is clearing. 

The inshore fishing in the Beaufort area is a bit of a roller coaster ride on the flats, and Captain Tuck Scott with Bay Street Outfitters (843-524-5250) reports that between warm weather, cold weather, windy days, calm days and extreme tides the redfish are a little unpredictable. That applies from day to day, but also over the course of a day. Two days ago he found incredible winter schools up shallow in a river. They were voracious until the tide changed and they decided not to eat, and then the next day they had totally relocated. When he found other fish they wouldn’t bite regardless of the tide.

Basically you just have to commit to going fishing right now, and if you locate fish but they aren’t biting be willing to wait for them. But if they are biting and turn off it may be time to go home!

Another beauty caught wiht Captain Tuck Scott

In contrast the trout fishing is very good and very consistent, and in fact it’s so good right now that Captain Tuck reports they are catching a lot of trout on the fly while targeting reds. However, if you want to target trout then fishing in 4-5 feet of water around current rips with shrimp under a popping cork or a grub on a jighead is hard to beat. The trout are moving around too, though, and some days they may have relocated from where they were the day before. And to make matters more confusing, the redfish may have moved in. 

There’s no disagreement from Captain Patrick Kelly with Boogieman Fishing Charters (843-962-3503) that the redfish and trout and frequenting some of the same areas, and in fact in the areas he is fishing it has not been uncommon to find them in same areas on the same day. He is frequently catching trout and redfish on back-to-back casts.

The fish are around oyster beds, drops, and in the mouths of creeks, and they are taking live shrimp on a cork very well but also eating Vudu Shrimp and curly tail grubs.

December 3

Morning surface water temperatures inshore around Beaufort have dropped into the upper 50s.

The inshore fishing in the Beaufort area is now the best that Captain Patrick Kelly with Boogieman Fishing Charters (843-962-3503) has seen all year, and they are catching a ton of trout and redfish right now. 

For the trout they are catching them as long as there is current but finding the best action on lower stages of the tide moving in both directions. The fish are around oyster beds, drops, and in the mouths of creeks, and they are taking live shrimp on a cork very well but also eating Vudu Shrimp and curly tail grubs. Fish can be found from the tiniest creeks to the biggest rivers, and the trout bite is truly wide open right now. 

The redfish are also feeding best on the lower tides around docks and oysters flats, but they are also finding a good bite on some of the higher tides around trees and structure. Mud minnows and frozen shrimp are both working for reds, and they are also picking up some black drum on the shrimp. 

With Captain Patrick Kelly

On the river flats Captain Tuck Scott with Bay Street Outfitters (843-524-5250) reports that reds are starting to group up in tighter schools, which can be a mixed bag for fishermen. While more areas don’t have fish, the massive schools can also be easier to spot. Captain Tuck is also noticing that fish are starting to leave certain shallow areas that may be getting too cold, although it’s hard to find much rhyme or reason to the areas they vacate. 

There has also been some pretty remarkable fishing on the Hunting Island State Park Fishing Pier (843-838-7437), and the catches of keeper trout and slot-sized to jumbo redfish have been pretty incredible. They are also catching lots of flounder but they have all been under 14 inches. 

November 20

Morning surface water temperatures inshore around Beaufort are approximately 68 degrees and bait is abundant.    

Several cooler nights are certain to usher in some changes, but Captain Tuck Scott with Bay Street Outfitters (843-524-5250) reports that for now the inshore fishing remains about the same. Some days the redfish are feeding well and some days they are not, but overall if you are patient and work through the tide cycle you will usually run into some fish that are hungry. Overall the low tide bite has generally been pretty good, but Captain Tuck’s boat has also found fish feeding in the grass (but not tailing) on higher tides. Again, cooler weather may change those patterns.  Shrimp and shrimp imitations have been most effective.  

The trout fishing has been improving, particularly for anglers fishing with live shrimp. The best places to look for trout right now are moving water in 4-5 feet around oysters. 

The cold front is almost certain to hasten in an even better trout bite. 

November 14

Morning surface water temperatures inshore around Beaufort are approximately 70-72 degrees and bait is abundant.    

Water temperatures this warm in mid-November make for unusual conditions on the water, and Captain Tuck Scott with Bay Street Outfitters (843-524-5250) reports that he has never seen the inshore creeks and river flats filled with this many tiny shrimp this late in the year.  At the same time all the ups-and-downs with the weather seem to have the redfish a little unpredictable, and one day they will be excited to eat but the next they may not. However, if you are patient and work through the tide cycle you will usually run into some fish that are hungry. But most days there are also periods of the cycle when they are more finicky, and from day to day those are varying. While Captain Tuck’s boat has mainly been fishing flies this week they have found the fish about as willing to eat bait. 

Captain Tuck Scott with a satisfied client

Fishing with minnows they have picked up a few trout, but the day they fished with live shrimp they found the trout much more cooperative. The best places to look for trout right now are gently to moderately moving water in 4-5 feet around oysters. With the big tides this week they are not feeding when the current is moving too fast. 

This week on the Hunting Island State Park Fishing Pier (843-838-7437) pier they are catching redfish at the smaller end of the slot and whiting. 

October 30

Morning surface water temperatures inshore around Beaufort are still about 70-72 degrees and bait is abundant.    

It’s a pretty great inshore bite for Captain Patrick Kelly with Boogieman Fishing Charters (843-962-3503), with both redfish and trout being caught in very good numbers. Unsurprisingly the redfish have been shallower, and his boat is catching them on the flats in 1-3 feet of water. They are taking cut mullet and the best time to fish for them has been the first 2-3 hours of the incoming around docks, trees, and oyster flats. 

The trout bite has also kicked off, and in 5-6 feet of water Captain Pat’s boat is catching good numbers of trout over oyster beds, drops, and at creek mouths. There are also a fair number of 15-inch redfish mixed in in these areas. Live shrimp has been the best way to catch them, but they will also take mud minnows under popping corks as well as chartreuse curly tail grubs and Vudu Shrimp. 

Fishing has picked up on the Hunting Island State Park Fishing Pier (843-838-7437) pier this week, with lots of trout and reds as well as a few flounder and sheepshead being caught. Most of the redfish are in the slot but a few have been bigger.   

October 16

Morning surface water temperatures inshore around Beaufort are down to about 72 degrees and bait is abundant.    

Despite super windy conditions this morning and 57 degree air temperatures, Captain Tuck Scott with Bay Street Outfitters (843-524-5250) reports that the inshore fishing around Beaufort is still strong with redfish chasing shrimp on lower stages of the tide and tailing at high water. It’s that time of the year where it’s hard to go wrong, and on low water you can locate reds feeding on shrimp by looking for birds that are waiting for bait to be disturbed.  Redfish are in both the creeks and the rivers feeding heavily around structure and grass edges.

The high tide tailing bite has been a little odd, and the last five or so tide cycles have all been much, much lower than expected. With a northeast wind that’s hard to explain. Regardless they are still seeing lots of redfish tails as well as a ton of sheepshead and black drum. The sheepshead are up on the flats eating mussels (and very hard to catch) and so there may be a bumper crop of mussels right now in Beaufort. 

There are also still a few tripletail around and so it’s worth keeping your eyes open.

This morning with Captain Tuck Scott

It’s a similar bite for Captain Patrick Kelly with Boogieman Fishing Charters (843-962-3503), but he has had to make adjustments because in the areas he is fishing the trout, flounder and redfish are all gorging on very small grass shrimp in certain places. Cleaning them their bellies are filled with one-inch shrimp.  He has seen redfish in 6 inches of water just sucking them up, and when that is going on they only seem to want the smallest white and chartreuse Vudu shrimp he can throw. 

At other times fish have had a wider palate, and on low to rising tide his boat has caught a bunch of redfish on mud minnows around downed trees. 

There has also been a really good trout bite in the right conditions, and on moving water when you find a line of current in 5-6 feet of water off oyster beds or grass lines then the trout are often stacked up. They will take about anything, including curly-tailed grubs, live shrimp or Vudu shrimp under a popping cork. 

While the biggest catch off the Hunting Island State Park Fishing Pier (843-838-7437) pier has been rays this week, they are also getting a fair number of redfish. 

October 3

Morning surface water temperatures inshore around Beaufort are still about 78 degrees and after the storm (including a possible tornado that came up the Beaufort River) there is tons of grass and debris in the water and it has muddied up.  

Despite less than ideal water conditions, Captain Patrick Kelly with Boogieman Fishing Charters (843-962-3503) reports that inshore fishing has been pretty good this week and in fact some better trout have showed up. On high tide the bite has been slow and they have basically only picked up a few small flounder, but on the dropping tide redfish and trout (with some over 20 inches) have been found on the deeper edges of drop-offs, oyster beds and drains where depths drop to about 5-6 feet of water. 

The one disappointment is that so far they have not been able to locate the bull red drum in the inlets, but they should be around at any time.

That has also been the case on the Hunting Island State Park Fishing Pier (843-838-7437), where that for now the main catch has been whiting and slot-sized reds. The bigger blue crabs also seem to be showing up this week. 

Fresh off the water minutes ago, Captain Tuck Scott with Bay Street Outfitters (843-524-5250) reports that in general the tailing activity has been pretty good since the storm but was down a little today. However, on high tide they saw some redfish tailing but more fish over white sand. They were willing to eat. 

They have seen less tripletails recently, and that is probably a result of the freshwater inflow. At the same time more sheepshead are up on the flats right now, and Captain Tuck believes that is the result of storm surges pushing periwinkles up. For some reason there are not as many black drum around as they would expect.

Finally, anywhere in the state where you are boating right now, including Beaufort, Tuck points out that drivers should be standing and looking at what’s in front of them instead of sitting. There is so much debris and trash in the water that it’s important to have the best vantage point possible. 

Today with Captain Tuck Scott


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